EAM - Give your turbo backend and wow frontend a solid IT foundation.

With our Enterprise Architecture Management, you can ensure the performance, scalability and future viability of your IT architecture right from the start.

What is EAM - Enterprise Architecture Management for?

Digitalization is changing business models, processes, and ways of working, and is giving rise to new ones. In this transformation, the importance of IT solutions is growing, as are the requirements for speed of response and delivery and their reliability. One of the most important questions is whether everyday business is also optimally supported by applications, software solutions, infrastructure and IT services.

This is precisely where Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) comes in, providing a holistic view of processes, technologies and IT systems. This allows interactions in (often historically grown) enterprise architectures to be identified and exploited. EAM thus prepares the basis for local optimization and enables the company to align IT in its entirety with the business strategy and to contribute to the implementation of corporate goals.

What are the benefits of EAM?

With EAM, you can bring transparency to your current system landscape and better and more efficiently understand the interrelationships of individual components. This enables you to optimize and expand your IT architecture in a targeted manner and also to react flexibly to new requirements in the medium and long term. EAM brings the following advantages:

  • uncomplicated identification of digitization and transformation potentials
  • fast detection of redundancies
  • reliable initialization of the change process
  • consistent alignment of processes with corporate strategy
  • targeted decision for advantageous IT systems

Why forbeyond?

Because any IT architecture can only ever produce temporarily stable platforms, it must become faster and make use of agile methods. To achieve this, we use proven Enterprise Architecture Management methods as well as best practices and our "Business - IT Alignment" layer model.

In the first step, the value creation of your company and its interaction with IT services is recorded in a structured and holistic manner. The depiction of the ACTUAL situation enables statements to be made about the performance of your development with regard to value creation and allows us to precisely identify the potential for action and transformation. We then jointly develop a target development plan and derive the necessary roadmap, which serves as the basis for a business-oriented development. Our approach is based on Togaf (The Open Group Architecture Framework).

Added value

The structured view of the complex interrelationships between the technical building and the system-technical support also enables you to evaluate sub-areas of your value creation. We identify with you:

"white spots" in the development

Processes, activities or capabilities that still need to be developed or procured

Need for change

to address enhancements or changes at all levels in the project
to address project goals or strategic objectives holistically

Optimization potentials

Project pressure, lack of transparency or silo structures lead to redundancies that can be resolved

Is a detailed inventory of all IT elements necessary?

The level of detail we choose varies, depending on which observations and evaluations are necessary for the issues or assessments to be addressed - an elaborate inventory of all the company's IT elements is (usually) not necessary. A consolidated domain model and / or a reference model for the area under consideration (company / business unit / initiative) is a good basis for more detailed observations.

Holistic consulting between business and IT

In the process, we rely on agile methods, creative solution approaches, and completely neutral consulting for the individual realignment of the architecture. Since we also know the requirements of the business departments from the business consulting projects, we see ourselves as a link between business and IT.

Recurring questions are the following

Design of technical building for PIM and MDM

Based on the strategic orientation and the future processes, we describe the functional and technical structure for the management of product information together with the IT managers, define the necessary PIM components and uncover "white spots" that need to be filled with in-house developments or new standard software components.

Digitization Consulting Architecture and Integration


Initiatives to digitize sales processes and / or expand the business model require know-how to support or enable the digital processes through IT. We accompany and advise our customers in the digitization not only technically, but also contribute the knowledge to develop an efficient, sustainable and economical IT development.

Support software selection PIM, MDM, MAM, store systems, integration platforms


It is not uncommon for the need for new software components to arise during the design of the technical construction. We are happy to assist you and manage the selection process. To this end, we contribute our extensive market knowledge of software providers in PIM, MAM, eCommerce and for integration platforms. We are 100% neutral and financially unaffiliated.

In addition to enterprise architecture topics, we are also happy to support you in the area of IT operating processes and integration architectures.