Excellent product data is critical for the optimal marketing of products in digital channels. Therefore, the product data must be provided to the channels in the correct quality and structure. We regard the preparation and distribution of product data as services. The quality of these services must be permanently ensured in the company.
The services for product data can only be provided sustainably with consistent quality if the organizational structures are geared to this.
The organizational structure has to deal with the conflicting priorities of centralization or decentralization and insourcing or outsourcing. Governance must also be defined and established. Once the general structures have been described, the necessary resources must be determined. Qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Of course, this depends heavily on the product range and the channel requirements.
Successful product data processes are part of the value chain and begin at the earliest possible point in time.
Depending on the business model and product range, the information model, i.e. the structuring of the necessary product data, can differ. Retailers rely heavily on data from their suppliers, while manufacturers often need to map more complex detailed requirements or even configuration knowledge. Already during the strategy phase, we consider the critical success factors of the future data design.
Once goals and framework conditions have been determined, a solid business case can be calculated on this basis. Costs on the one hand and possible potential on the other hand have to be considered. These strongly depend on the respective initial situation.
We determine the respective criteria suitable for your business model and quantify them.